RISE Fitness Consultancy was conceived to assist corporates with the design, planning and execution of health-related activities to boost the overall well-being of employees within the organisation.
RISE Fitness Consultancy offers a myriad of customised health services ranging from talks, seminars, workshops and physical-activity classes.
Developed by Dr. Geil Browning and Dr. Wendell Williams, Emergenetics (www.emergenetics.com) is a brain-‐science profiling tool that scientifically measures one’s thinking and behavioural preferences through a 100-‐question assessment.
Built on 4 thinking and 3 behavioural preferences, Emergenetics has test/retest reliability and is measured against 350,000 people worldwide (and growing), providing accurate results on individuals’ thinking and behavioural preferences.
RISE Fitness, with its certified Emergenetics Coach, would be using this distinctive information to advise you on the brain-‐science approach towards working out effectively by tapping on your preferences, and mapping out a fitness regime that closely matches your brain’s likings, thus making the workout experience a more enjoyable and effective one.
Apart from enhancing your fitness workout, you will also be able to benefit through a multitude of ways in your work and life, where the understanding of how your brain prefers to think and behave would optimise your actions and decision-‐making processes.
More than 350,000 leaders and individuals worldwide have benefitted through Emergenetics where they had received enhancements in areas such as interpersonal communications, change management, job satisfaction, productivity and more.